Learning to control the solid iron shot seems a difficult task. But it all starts with the set-up. Making a few simple things will help you swing to install correctly. Hit solid iron each time. Follow these tips ...
Ball position for several irons - Short Irons = Average of attitude. Mid Irons = slightly forward position. Aligned = foot long iron with the inside of the left.
Thisis an extremely important concept. If you hit a short iron, the bottom of the swing will be further developed to back your position only because of the length. The longer the club gets, the more forward (it's your swing to the left) the fund, because the length of the tree.
Hit Down and up to solid and 'Hit-To all the iron, you want to beat the ball and then hit the ground. Many amateurs try to hitup the ball and take the word completely out of the equation. This leads to the first reason, the tip of the ball, Shanks, and all kinds of mis-hits.
So we want to ensure that the ball just before the ground. But it is not so shy in taking a divot. You can still use the ball very solid and take a big divot.
Hands In view of the club face at impact is to deal with the hands slightly club before impact. This kind of goestogether with the last tip. Once you have your hands slightly above the club face allowing you to meet and impact with the ball.
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